Welcome to MacHexen By Jacqui Kramer reeltime@wolfenet.com http://www.wolfenet.com/~reeltime/ Welcome back, riot boys and grrls! So glad to see all of your growling faces again. I see some new recruits in the ranks-- excellent! For those who are joining our program in progress, here's the deal: Each issue, we offer some hints that just might save your butt. We break down assistance into two categories: TRICKS, as in tricks you can use to survive; and TRAPS, as in traps that have been set out by the enemy. I know what you are thinking... You're too macho to need any help, right? Well, guess again, amigo-- everyone needs a little help now and then, especially when it comes to the great unknown. Speaking of the unknown, The Powers That Be have requested a special Hexen Tricks and Traps. Apparently we have several troops moving in, and the numbers are expected to swell in late December following the planned Christmas deployment. NOTE: We'll discuss the situation on Mars again in the next issue. Those of you who need immediate assistance should refer back to earlier TNT missives. (In the meantime, specific questions can be addressed to me in e-mail at: reeltime@wolfenet.com.) But enough of my yappin' -- let's go get some MEAT! Before we get too specific, there are few things you need to know about Hexen. Show of hands -- how many of you have played Dungeons and Dragons? Good, good. I think you'll find more than a passing resemblance to D&D in Hexen, right down to picking a "class" of character and hit point factors. Even if you have never been through D&D training, you'll be able to figure it out as you go. You have three class choices (in other words, you can be one of the following three characters): FIGHTER: Bad ass (and cute ass!) fighter who, although he is dumber than a box of rocks, can beat the crap out of just about anyone without blinking. He has excellent speed, armor, and strength, but the lowest magic possible. This is the perfect guy for people who want to abuse other critters the old-fashioned way: with one mother of a fist. In his hands, the fletchet (that fat test tube filled with green stuff you see everywhere) is a bomb -- toss that baby and watch it blow! THE CLERIC: Good armor and speed, slightly better-than-average magic and strength. This is my personal favorite, because it is a nice combination of pure muscle and magic. You start out with a nasty mace, and move on to some cool magic-based weapon. Best of all, the fletchet becomes a really nifty little bomb in the Cleric's hand. Basically, you drop it and run-- seconds later, a revolting stink bomb creates a deadly curtain of gas. Gotta love it. THE MAGE: Crappy speed and strength, really crappy armor, but excelllent magic. This is definitely not for those who are into speed, but gimmick freaks will have fun with all the magical toys available to the Mage. Pick a class you can live with for at least a while-- using a cheat, you can switch characters in mid-game, but you really shouldn't until you have picked up all of your weapons. (The weapons change based on the character you choose.) Of course, you can always change characters and -- ahem -- cheat.   Tricks Long time members of the Doom community have been spoiled by cheats that get you out of any situation. Well, prepare yourself-- some of the Hexen cheats will not necessarily save you. In fact, the biggest favor you can do for yourself is to save early and often. You will die a lot, and we're not talking at the hands of other critters, either. When you fall in Hexen, you lose health and, in many cases, die. (I guess the gravity on Mars is just kinder that way.) Anyway, here are a few thing you can do to try to buy yourself some extra time. SATAN: Activates "God" mode, which protects you from everything EXCEPT spikes fthat rise from the floor and deadly heights. NRA: Gives you full weapons and manna (the stuff that powers your weapons), plus a nice selection of armor. CLUBMED: Full health. Learn it. Live it. Love it. LOCKSMITH: Gives you all keys. This is especially nice when you reach the inevitable point of boredom that can come from wandering aimlessly through some of the tougher levels. MAPSCO: Gives you full maps for the level. CASPER: No clipping mode-- but remember, you can STILL DIE if you are in a deep gorge and fall. Try to "run" to the nearest wall if you start to fall into the abyss. Sometimes you can grab a precious bit of land in the nick of time... but don't count on it. SHERLOCK: Gives you all of the puzzle pieces you need to solve the level. SHADOWCASTER 0, 1 OR 2: Changes your character (Shadowcaster0 for fighter, Shadowcaster1 for the cleric or Shadowcaster2 for the mage). VISIT 01-31: Jumps you around through the various levels. There are more, but these are the ones you will want to know. And by the way, if a PC-based soldier tries to help by slipping you the code-word "CONAN," ignore him or her. (If you have to know what happens, try it yourself. But don't say we didn't warn you. Oh, and while you are experimenting, try this top secret one out on the demo version of MacHexen: MDRCREW.   Traps These levels are much more malicious than anything I've seen on Mars. Just trotting around can be deadly, with or without your "friends" hanging around. Be particularly careful when the following elements (and critters) are involved: LAVA PITS: There is quite a bit of lava early in the game, but it appears to be a much stronger kind than that found on Earth and Mars. No matter how great the urge to cut corners, avoid the pits. ICE: Damn slippery stuff, bar none. Be careful when you enter any icy area -- many of the icy areas will crack open, sucking you down to the core of the Earth. Of course, even if the ice stays in one piece, you might not... there are plenty of steep drop-offs and slick patches to keep even the most well-balanced soldier in danger. ETTINS: These are a what, not a where. Think of these lumbering dudes as the Imps of Hexen -- they may be a pain in the ass, but in large groups, they can be highly effective in bringing about your untimely demise. STALKERS: First cousins to the Creature of the Black Lagoon. These guys hang out in swamps, emerging just long enough to take pot shots at you. Show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown. DEATH WYVERN: Seasons don't fear the Wyvern, but you should. This winged beast is all that stands between you and finishing a level, and trust me, if you stick with it long enough to encounter this dude, you will WANT to finish the level. I could go on an on, but you get the idea. Keep your eyes peeled for anything suspicious, and don't be afraid to cheat. Frankly, it might be only way you can get through the game without having to restore every two minutes (literally). But most importantly, don't forget the cardinal rule of all things Doom: when they scream MEAT! They mean you. (Even if they happen to be speaking in some bizarre Hexen-based language.)   Jacqui will be back with more Doom Tricks and Traps in the next issue, assuming she can figure out how to undo the pig spell some swine cast on her. Help her out by sending your Tricks, Traps, and questions to reeltime@wolfenet.com.